Environmental Health Action Plan
- To improve the health status of indigenous people to America by reducing the health disparities affecting our collective, i.e., infant mortality, HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, maternal morbidity, obesity, SIDS, asthma, cardiovascular diseases.
- To develop and maintain a co-creative balance between the black American collective and Nature to sustain and support life systems in North America.
- To educate the 34 million black Americans in the United States about how the destruction of the environment is related to the deteriorating health status of the Black American collective through their organizations.
- To conduct a national Workshop Series targeted to Black American organizations throughout the United States to teach community residents how to develop an environmentally sustainable community implementing the FIAAH Environmental Health Action Plan.
- To educate Black Americans on how the destruction of the environment is related to major diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer, Asthma, Obesity, Infant Mortality, etc. and how they can improve their overall health.
- To provide viable information, facts and solutions to the Black American collective to save our environment, our lives and ensure the continuance of our future generations.
- To assist Black Americans with understanding their relationship to the environment in America to foster respect for the environment.
FIAAH offers a plan of action to assist Black Americans address environmental health issues which includes community actions, individual actions and international actions.
- Organize a Community Environmental Health Action Committee in your community to assess the status of your environment, i.e., (Streets, Parks, Buildings).
- Join an environmental advocacy group in your community and take action.
- Plant trees in your community to ensure our survival.
- Teach all children their responsibilities as stewards of the environment and appreciation for nature
- Organize a community garden and teach Black American children the art of growing food and gardening from a collective consciousness.
- Join the Sierra Club (www.sierraclub.org) to advocate for protecting clean water, restoring wildlife habitats and preserve the wild forest heritage.
- Fight the Forest Restoration Act enacted in 2003 by the Bush Administration which approved continuous logging of National Forest including the giant Sequoia trees and burning of forests.
- Order organic seedlings and plant your own garden to provide authentic fruits, herbs and vegetables.
- Plant non hybrid trees on your property to support life.
- Stop growing lawns and using pesticides instead grow gardens
- America was once a vast expanse of 770 million acres of unbroken forest. Today we’re trying to secure lasting protection for over 100 million acres of what remains.
- Join the Wildland Protection Restoration Campaign to actively work to defeat the threats to North Americans eco-system by the Bush Administration
- Support the international efforts for the human rights to water
- Support international efforts to stop deforestation.
- Support UNESCO efforts to create sustainable communities.
For more information on the FIAAH Environmental Health Action Plan contact us at 1-877-571-9788