F.I.A.A.H. Fall Current Events 2016

Aquechewa Kinfolk,
WE here at Yumwija hope you had a joyful summer like we experienced here at Yumwija. The update will be short, there is so much going on, we just wanted to drop a word or two to keep everybody informed. this year we had induction ceremonies  of the addition of new Kinfolk There was alot of hydration here, the life power was awesome, people ate food for the blood and . some projects were started and next year will continue to be completed.
Special Note:  We are looking for 3 people to help finish the soil roof project. If interested call the office.  304-212-2362 the next couple of weeks would be good if weather permits..
As many of you know the summer events experience was exciting and joyful. We all experienced the power of our Nature, to rejuvenate our blood with the Earth.  People still have time to come to Yumwija  to re-hydrate  their blood energy before the 2016 summer season is complete. Yumwija will close on October30th,, and reopen May 20th, 2017.If you miss the experience make sure you catch it next year. Some of the family members have suggested we combine some projects with the events ,so the family can stay together longer, however all indigenous family can stay as long as they choose during the summer season here at Yumwija, bring a tent or stay in one of ours, it all good.!!!!!To view our summer pictorial go to our channel:  Institute for Indigenous American studies on You tube. 2015 will be ready soon so look for it.
What’ NEW!!!!!
The institute started s a  internet radio show Let’s set the record straight, on blog talk radio African American ain’t African.  every 2nd Sunday of the month at 3 pm est.. Call in and chat with the Covenant council elders.   To listen to  the recording of our first show : go to http://http://www.blogtalkradio.com/africanamericansaintafricans/2016/09/11/lets-set-the-record-straight-with-ambassador-radine-america
Next show October 9th, at 3 pm- call in
Free-  Online Workshops/ lectures.
 October 15th –The Hidden Facts Every Black American Woman should know!!!
October 16th-  –Why is it important for  America children to stand for identity in the United States
October 23rd –The New World Order “Where do we fit.?.
November 6th– Getting out of the system,
 November 12th -Saving our Children is Saving Ourselves,
WEBSITE update. Finally we got someone who is not afraid to do the mew website, and has the patience to  work with me. I would like to thank Anything Animated….
 NEW !!!!! “WE are America “Tee shirts available soon.. order from the office 304-212-2362.

Institute for Indigenous American Studies
The fall and winter course schedule will be different this year. . We are starting the Indigenous Competency program date schedule a little later this year. In anticipation for  filling all  seats in courses with new  Kinfolk.
Mentors needed for new students. Become a mentor
Ministry  program  candidates being accepted now .
Teacher training for Indigenous Fundamental teachers 101 to resume  Now. To enroll contact office.
Next Indigenous Competency Certification Program dates  , for new registrants
Wednesday Evening : orientation , October 5 course begins October 12th

Wednesday Morning orientation Nov 1st  course begins Nov 8th

Tuesday Morning : orientation- Nov 2nd, course begins Nov 10th

 New 2016-17 courses:
Tradition, Customs ,Philosophy of  America-Anasazi heritage culture- Starts  October 10
Conquest of Genocide..
The history of Homosexuality and its development into a social culture.
The ideology of Slavery.
just to name a few……
 International Studies —This year we are going to research our heritage culture in CUBA !!! February 1
For course schedule and catalog  click here::
ICC Online Course Schedule
Continuing education courses dates will start in November and December
IIAS Course Catalog  
Harvest Celebration October 30th
Harvest Celebration October 30th  2016 . Last chance for Earth renewal for us to magnetize  our bodies!!!
Our Harvest festival is our ancestral thanksgiving, for thousand of years our ancestors celebrated the abundance they created as a result from supporting the life systems of our  Earth. Our ritual is to share the fruits of our labor from life and to rejoice and give praise thru  music and dance to the Earth that made all of the fruits from our labor possible.
For harvest celebration this year we will preform our Sacred Ceremonies for the last time this year  on Saturday October 29th.
Many people are losing their health and feeling the consequences from organ dehydration issues and the disease that result from this subtle yet horrible attack upon our ability to keep our health for life… as a result from the removal of trees around us. All people will commune with the Earth . Ceremonies preparations starts on October 16th , the Pineal gland cleansing diet, NO SUGAR .. Please let us know if you will be attending. The campsite will be open.
We are requesting all our indigenous family’s who can’t make it here to Yumwija to celebrate with us , to take the time to show support of our life, culture and Earth by having a Celebration of Life at there home with family and friends.
Celebrate the original purpose of thanksgiving by remembering the life we have and the struggle we have endured and the future we will strive to keep alive. There will be a special program Sunday ,October 30th  @3pm  online for all of us to celebrate collectively and share consciousness as a community. We have developed a packet of prayers to use and share with our family at our time of celebration, email the office for a packet @admin@fiaah.org
Yumwija Essentials for Life
Harvest is ready!!!!Yumwija Essentials 4 life .com will reopen for orders October 10th  2016
As our indigenous family all ready knows , here at Yumwija  we have produced indigenous remedies for the last 7 years, Essentials made at Yumwija this year  are ready.All Products  produced come from plants we found to have superior healing abilities for us. The plants heal by re hydrating the organs including the mind.
 Here is our catalog  link to Yumwija Essentials 4 Life.

We know people are dehydrating very quickly and as a result are losing there health. Again this year we will be selling our hydration health products while supplies last.America is experiencing extreme moisture loss. . Harvest is earlier this year and nature did not grow as abundant this year for anyone except people growing apples. We will be making our indigenous clay. We will have  a constant supply of clay and some teas., to help  slowdown dehydration of our organs. Shipping will start Nov 1st this year. .
 All essences and are available while supplies last. Last order date November  13th   Making order list now to be shipped by Nov. 14th.. Yumwija closes on October 31st
Plantain Tincture                                                                        Horse Chestnut Tincture
Liver Restorer Tincture                                                                
Pine Needle tincture
Mint Extract                                                                        
Poke Root Tincture
Black Walnut &Cloves Tincture                                              
Black Walnut Tincture
Roots of life Tonic
Female Restore
Male Restore
Indigenous Beauty Restore
The America Heritage Preservation Trust Stewardship Initiative./TBA
American Heritage Preservation Trust Getting out of Debt Slavery:  Our Plan F.I.A.A.H. has started an Earth recovery fund with the American Heritage Preservation Trust to help get our people into stable life conditions. The American Heritage Preservation Trust Stewardship Initiative. Is a function of the AHPT set up to acquire earth for the development of sustainable housing for indigenous registered members. The program will assist our community members in acquiring property without occurring long term dept. Once the requirements are completed the person will have a property that is dept free they will be required to maintain the county taxes on the property. Some of these homes may need to be fixed up. However they will be mortgage free. Call office for current listing.
This year Meeting date  TBA
 We are the Solution

 Most of our people feel trapped and are experiencing great personal and collective despair; and are being forced to Look and search for what is real about life. They are realizing they lack knowledge about life ( traditional knowledge) to use toward consciously helping  themselves work with the Life blood that keeps their life. The knowledge F.I.A.A.H offers about the truth of what is real about life will be the life line we share with our people. It is Our Time…  It is time to let go of information that does not empower us.  Knowledge is power, information  without knowledge keeps one powerless… supporting F.I.A.A.H. helps us Help you!
Those who use knowledge will be the ones to lead those who are ready to get out of the burning building back to life..  With knowledge we don’t need others to give us a way to live on our Earth we can make our own jobs helping our people. If you are interested we have many ways to help you get started.

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RaDine America aka Wisdom Keeper-

RaDine is a Scholar an teacher for Indigenous Heritage, Principles and Culture. She currently is the Administrative director and teacher for The Institute for Indigenous America Studies and Internationally for the International Institute for Amerindian Heritage and Culture Studies in Belize CA. She is the author of many books, as well as an International representative for Indigenous peoples of America aka Negro Heritage with the Foundation for Indigenous America of Anasazi Heritage F.I.A.A.H. copyright /copy claim- 5/15/2014- American Heritage Trust, F.I.A.A.H admin@fiaah.org