New Year Address For America

No More Excuses

April 1, 2021

Aquechewa Kinfolk, brother , sisters and relations of America. 
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to listen to the Foundation for Indigenous America of Anisazi Heritage 
, New Year ADDRESS. 
I am Ambassador RaDine America 
I hope and pray that our Kinfolk stay Life Enthused to overcome the challenge of this first transition back to the nature 
for reality of Life.. 

The 2021 Address this year is about; No More Excuses 

2021 will be the most difficult year so far for many people.  It is just one of many to come as a result of the emotional shift happening with  the planet Earth. Over the past few centuries the emotions of the Earth have been  in  contraction or low tide as decreased emotional will. Allowing the development of  emotional diseases  leading to the destruction of Love in nature and human existence.. The contraction has exposed the weakness in our nature . Now, it is reversing for expansion  . it’s  the time  for building  the life force from the Heart  also known as LOVE. It is time to learn how  to live from the heart again in Life’s Love again, serving our function and purpose we are created for, as a part of the living planet Earth  We will be forced to look at our relationship with Life itself and in Life with others….  

                               Living Life in Truth-The Indigenous Way 

Each year forward will move towards the renewal of  the nature of life  for the living Earth s as LOVE. Each year will become  harder for people to live irresponsibly, outside of their natural responsibilities, without pro-activity towards their gender purpose and function for living in Life…COVID-19 will hang around to force people to look at how they are living life? What kind of relationships  have they created in life and are they living from the  heart or just with a heart? People are realizing they don’t know how to live with Life/love our planet has for us. 

Believe it or Not Nature provides everything we need to support Life. We just have to let go and embrace it. 

Every one is responsible as adults to  support their own Life force journey. We can build life structures full of love. We must connect with each other in truth, humbleness, respect, and value we are here to serve nature. 

People will no longer be able to live just for themselves  using the life force of others and avoid response- ability for service to  support  life. People can no longer hide behind LIES, ARTIFICAL BELIEFS, PREDJUICES, ATTITUDE AND FEARS that are used to passively aggressively control and manipulate others to serve  in supporting   the ideals of a narristic society.. 

Each year the emotions of Life will get stronger and stronger against the people who show resistance to  changing the way they think , that is blocking  the ability of  emotion as life love to freely move forward . The people who don’t  learn how to change, correct and atone  will reap the consequences  for selfishness,  and narcissistic  behavior that has caused emotional harm to the  Life of others. 


All relationships are based on exchange. The emotional change  with the planet Earth will breakdown dysfunctional relationships , that are Parasitic and based on control agendas used to entrap/ enslave people emotionally will be revealed and the people set free. People will be forced to reevaluate what is realy important to them from their Heart. People connected to their heart will be the ones who create the future.  

People who have not taken up their responsibility to invest in building LOVE in life relationships that can support life in the future will lose  their ability  to grow…Everyone  can serve, everyone can unite. 

People who don’t take responsibility for their choices made with Life will lose their Life. People who chose  to be unhealthy will reap the consequences from  sickness. ALL Health problems  will be remedied by nature not by  quick fix   surgeries. Health is determined by how enthused you are in reality with LIFE. All indigenous blooded people can regain their health using indigenous remedies. People who do not take responsibility for keeping their blood health , will lose their 
health and conventional doctors will not help them get it back. The virus is just one of many opportunities that will be used to help get rid of parasitic people. 

People  will have to mean what they say and do what  they mean.. 

Prosperity will dry up as consequences for people continuing to live outside of principles governing nature and  stop the ability to move forward in our relationship with life. 

Atonement for actions will have to be done to  correct the cause and effect consequences from the past. Once  corrected the consequences from the past will stop and  growth can continue.  

  1. The United States will not be able to keep supporting people to live outside of their natural life support structures and 
    continue to cushion the consequences from living artificially outside the Emotional Structures for their function with the 
    Nature of Life. These artificial support systems will quickly fade away, along with the artificial culture. The Hustle is over 
    The United States has over populated the section of America it inhabits, the consequence is the United States will be 
    depopulated from all forms of plagues, natural disasters, and the like, until America is brought back to NATURES 
    sustainable balance… 
    Today, most of the population for America or Negro people as a result of having a allegiance to Man and supporting 
    the advancement of Death over Life in our homesoil of America have become a weak, and emotionally dis functional 
    collective. They no longer support the life of their nature. IN order for indigenous America to survive thru the transition 
    build new emotional life support structures or units of family. 
    F.I.A.A.H represents Indigenous people of America who are Life Enthused like their ancestors…. 

The Indigenous people of America lives at F.IA.A.H. WE are the family of Life Enthused people. The question we all 
should be asking is, What do we mean by family. 
Traditionally, family- represents the people who are directly related by blood of the parents. Family is the foundation 
for emotional life support structure all people are born into regardless of the condition of the emotional life support 
structure itself. People do not chose who they are born through or the circumstances they are born into. 
Kinfolk are the people who value your existence as part of the life blood of the same people, who have respect for your being, 
they are the people you can trust the well being of your life with. The people that will not cause you harm and have 
care , concern and compassion towards you accomplishing your life journey towards your destiny. . Family should be the 
people who are LIFE ENTHUSED about your life,, who can love you being a part of LIFE .Family are the people who LOVE 
YOU,. Anything less may be connected to you by blood ,but they are not your emotional family. , if the person does not 
free themselves from the bondage of the dysfunctional family, their life power will be pillaged and they live a life of 
It’s time for Building Healthy Family- Life enthused emotional life support structures- with the same focus. Building life 
so they can continue to thrive with Life…. 
People who are related by blood to you, but don’t have value of you as a member are your blood relatives, but not your 
family of LOVE. . People connected to people by blood but lack emotional connection are considered Relative. The 
larger collective are called kinfolk 
We have to start creating healthy emotional relationships for family. Family can be with Anyone from our blood 
kinfolk tree, that is Life Enthused. We are all family… 
Thru unity of focus in building Life thru its nature(how Life works), following the principles of nature that guide it – we 
will prevail and thrive. In this regard we have the Book of Life and the Book of Principle. 
We as family must never forget to teach our children of the future- What LIFE as a force is ? and for them to keep 
happiness in living , they must always continue the force by servicing our gender purpose. We must always be in unity. 
They must never stop building new natural emotional structures for living life. They must never forget the importance 
for keeping the cultural foundation built for life viability of our people alive, in order to keep happiness and prosperity in 
the experience of living Life. 
. We must never stop life from GROWING thru America- thru US.. 
Days of Living on Life instead of with Life are OVER- 
– Letting the old parasitic paradigm – GOOOOOOOOOOO 
People following the Parasitic ways of thinking- are JOY KILLERS, they are emotionally SICK. They are not Life 
Enthused, they live in KARMA, from lies, manipulations, artificial illusions and perceptions about reality. They are 
narcissistic , egotistical, self indulgent, selfish people , who have lost their enthusiasm for being a part of the living. 
They are people who are not willing to serve their function embrace their emotional nature responsibilities, to nurture 
life, build emotionally vibrant and strong life structures. These people will not be able to thrive and will barely survive. 
We are ready. . The F.I.A.A.H family thru unity of focus for building Life structure will prevail and thrive 
Our Allegiance is to Life ( find the Allegiance to Life affirmations in the Indigenous People of the Earth book of 
Goal of this year: Implementing Function-Being Family “ Building new life support Ships” 
All indigenous people of America must return to doing our primary function. Males must implement Masculine function. 
Females must implement feminine function All abilities and talents are to be used to serve the whole life flow for 
staying life enthused and moving forward. 
All males and females must get connected and on the same focus. Building Life structures (emotional and physical) 
Example; to make a working boat you need three major different parts. A body , and the sail. The paddle or rutter is the 
focus, the body is the male and the sail is the female. In Unity they can navigate with the ocean flow of Life. 
Actions- Creating Safe Spaces for family. 
Investing in Ourselves. 
People who invest in Life structure- Life creates opportunity for them, if we want to thrive, there are no Excuses. 
Money- Money should be used to invest in building Life support structures, everything we do must have a dual 
function. It can serve you and serve towards future sustainability 
People who are always broke and never invest their energy to help create opportunity with life, will always be broke. 
People who do not invest in creating life support. NO ONE IS OBIGATED TO SHARE THE FRUITS OF THERE INVESTMENT 
from life with them…People who have nothing to invest, to build life support, have NOTHING to receive….. people who 
are living just to survive will never thrive… 
People who have a piece of soil inheritance in there families, better keep it and build your family communities upon it. 
This is the time to unite combine your financial resources to build your life support structures. All able bodied have to 
invest service. 
Investing in our Health. In that regard FIAAH offers a variety of powerful 
indigenous ancestral remedies to use for keeping the blood of life strong… 
Liqud Life is our ancestral foundation to build upon to regain and keep ones health strong.. 
Investing in building indigenous Economy 
Well folks, we have a few products to share to help support an economic engine and help thousands of people. In 
order to build jobs for ourselves, we with must spend our money buying products we need from each other, this is what 
creates an economy cycle. It is up to our people to support buying products that will help them. The economic engine is 
there, it is up to all of us to feed it. The online Amerindian Market will open in May. People who 
have indigenous products can apply to be vendors 
This year the separation of life enthused people from people of the ego is happening. 
If you are alive and have always known in your heart, you wanted to change, well times have changed. Start building emotional relationships that are LIFE ENTHUSED, let go of people who are not with 
you. Every one will find their own boat. People who do not serve their function are parasites, We will let go. 
In this regard F.I.A.A.H. family members who want to return but owe for past years dues, and have not caused HARM. 
Can come back if they bring this year current before August 2020. Start with a clean slate. You can become a part of 
Yumwija again. 
The new dawn has begun. It’s a new year. Hope to see family soon


Ambassodor RaDine America 

Representative for Indigenous America (U.S. territories) F.I.A.A.H. 
P.S. The Yumwija activities are available at, they will be unveiled on April 11th , Let’s Set the Record 
Straight Show…..