F.I.A.A.H Update Spring 2015
Aquechewa Kinfolk, It’s the start of a new Earth Year and we intend to make it a blast!!!. We await with great anticipation to teach and give our people the much needed experience we need to help live with our planet and help our planer restore life again. In that regard we have a lot to offer. We look forward to seeing everybody and lets make life happen for us again!!!
See You soon
Administrator/ Director
What’s New
Well we lose our photo channel i did retrieve the shows and put them on YOUtube. we now have a channel for the institute for Indigenous American Studies you can check them out at /www.YouTube.com/channel/UCgoprOXk5RjrmywN_2vuMpA. We are also on Facebook under the same heading. the school web site info is ready but we need technical help. Anybody who knows WordPress we have all the info ready to cut and paste. All help is welcome, inquire at the office @304-212-2362
Indigenous  Induction Ceremonies and Graduation;
May 23rd&24th 2015
Since spring the water levels are low, however there is a chance this might change, the good news is as a result of the very cold winter, baby trees have sprang up everywhere .Halleluiah !!!. People registered can participate if they have not completed their ceremonies, we urge as many people to come to get the healing and rejuvenating water experience while available. Our people need to come to the waters of Life, they are strongest in spring. we will also have the Earthen Sweat Lodge redone this year. Registered people and their guest are welcome. if you plan to attend,Let us know at the office 304-212-2362.. We will send instructions. Preparations start on May 10th. Cost is 100.00 per person.
Institute for Indigenous Studies  -Summer Training
School of Ancient Wisdom & Healing Arts
Indigenous Healer Certification Program
May 2nd- October 26th
The Indigenous Healer Program is 26 week program living with the Earth as the laboratory and practicum. A candidate experiences living thou a complete  Life cycle of nature  @ Yumwija. For Program candidate consideration:
Candidate must submit:
Essay explaining why “you” should be considered
What does being an “Indigenous” person mean to you?
If accepted How would you apply the knowledge to help your indigenous community.
Why is this opportunity to learn how to heal from
A candidate must be in good general health
Candidate must be willing to live with the Earth and learn from it.
Cost 2500.00 if accepted financial payment plan must be accepted
Projects for this year
School of Sustainable Development & Technology
Indigenous Building  Methods
Projects: Cottage and Earth oven/kitchen
The building of a 2 bedroom guest cottage  and earth oven  in the community Kitchen. is the agenda for this year,  We also have to finish some of last year projects. All projects begin on June 1st- August 24th. All people wanting to intern must let the office know .  304-212-2362
Optional Link
OnLine Summer Courses
School of Ancient Wisdom& Healing Arts
AW-002- The Sacred Feminine 
Saturday May 3rd 10am-12pm             
AW-002a Exploring the Way Females Think Saturday May 10th  10 am-12pm

AW002-b – The Joy of Being
Saturday May 17thh 10akm-12pm

AW-002c – Relationships
Saturday May24th 10am-12pm
Student scholarship Internships
Come learn life skills to live with Earth
Internships are available. Internships are a modest 100.00 a week it includes all training, basic lodging or camping, and food. Attend most workshops that are happening during your visit. Interning  for few weeks is a life empowering experience. Contact office for info@ 304-212-2362
Online Courses
School of Heritage History& Political Sceince
History Studies

IHS-1- Understanding Conquest
5 wk Course, TH- April 17-May 8th

IHS-1a PT 1- The use of word as Conquest Power
5wk Course; Tue- June 3rd- July1st
IHS- 1b PT 2- Intro to Capitalism
5wk Course; Tue-July 8th- August 5th

IHS2-PT 3- Into to Slavery
5wk Course, M- August 04 – Sept 1st

HS-3 New-The History of Homo genius and its Development into a Social Culture

IHS-2a PT 3a- The Plantation System

HS-4 -NEW- Subliminal Racism
Course 5wks Thursday June 5th –July 4th
Indigenous Living Summit- August 8-16th
Last year we got a lot done. Hope this year will not be so cold. Forecast say heat wave .Ok, that’s enough for now.  for basic info click here
Special Events
Indigenous Union Ceremony
Indigenous Unions:: A group Indigenous Union Ceremony @ Yumwija will be held on June 29th . Many people have wanted to establish Indigenous Union instead of colonel chattel slavery contracts as marriages.. It is vital for our growth and survival of our people we change our perceptions and learn to work with each other thru union. It takes two to make a whole Couples who chose to support building Life on Earth by following indigenous values and principles as one can now take the step too build a life raft to use to get through the very hard times ahead of us. There will be two dates this year for Indigenous Unions as a group. This is a lot cheaper than individual wedding arrangements and a lot more meaning full and beautiful. Ceremony cost per couple : $600.00 plus 2 dishes for the celebration table. Each couple can invite up to 5 guest. Call the office for more details

Reclaiming our Union
Principles of Indigenous Bonding 
Monday August 10th & Saturday August 15th
LIndigenous Bonding Intensive
Intro to Indigenous techniques for emotional bonding, that lead to deeper emotional understanding and stronger relationships.
Topics covered
What is a mate?
What is our true nature?
Why I emotional bonding beater than sex?
And much more!!!
Yumwija Essentials for Life  NOW OPEN
Will Re open on May 1st  All products are available. online orders will be available.


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RaDine America aka Wisdom Keeper-

RaDine is a Scholar an teacher for Indigenous Heritage, Principles and Culture. She currently is the Administrative director and teacher for The Institute for Indigenous America Studies and Internationally for the International Institute for Amerindian Heritage and Culture Studies in Belize CA. She is the author of many books, as well as an International representative for Indigenous peoples of America aka Negro Heritage with the Foundation for Indigenous America of Anasazi Heritage F.I.A.A.H. copyright /copy claim- 5/15/2014- American Heritage Trust, F.I.A.A.H admin@fiaah.org