What does Our Mother represent? Who is Our Mother?

Our Mother

Over the years of speaking to many people, I have realized that most American Negro people have lost sight of What a “MOTHER” is.
In order to understand what it is to be a Mother, a person first must understand how a Mother is made. 
A Mother is developed from a female. A female is a portal for the Earth to generate new Life with Earth.
A female is Earth’s way of producing the continuation of Earth’s expression of human Life in Creation.
A female produces life for Earth through using the Earth’s power for life in her blood to develop a seed created within her that will be strong enough to hold life and fulfill its function (gender) and purpose to Life with Earth.
Once a seed is produced into a viable species, the female has accomplished one of Earth’s miraculous wonders as one of the many functions she serves for Life with Earth.

A female who shares her blood to allow the creation of THEIR KIND to have life with Earth, is a Mother.
Our Mother is the female whose seed was developed by Earth to create us.
Our Mother is where our blood comes from to keep our Life.
Without serving this FUNDEMENTAL Task for the Earth,” NO ONE “has LIFE with EARTH.
Our Mother is our Roots to the connection that establishes Life with Earth
Our ability to live life is one of the greatest accomplishment of our Mothers as females..

Our Gift

Our Gift from our Mothers is taking the time and effort to let our life on Earth happen……………..

The Gift to our Mother from Earth for giving us life, is the opportunity/ chance to nurture us outside the womb as Earth did through her blood inside the womb……………………….
The Gift from our fathers to us, is to provide the keeping of a safe environment( inheritance protection of the Earth section given to the females to be fruitful and multipluy) outside the womb for her to develop our Earth consciousness and grow.
It is unfortunate the gift of Love given to our Mothers from Earth for their “Life giving accomplishment” has been robbed from females of the Earth for Centuries, as Mothers………………. 
The Cloaking by Man, of Earth through females’ greatest achievements, its tremendous value to our life, and the JOY Earth has for Mothers in Life for providing human Life with Earth. Over many generations has caused tremendous emotional pain and suffering……………
The evidence of truth still remains Loud and Clear. Females are created by Earth to carry and develop the seed of life for her species to create new life with Earth……………….
Many mothers may not be able ,for many reasons, to fully nurture or develop their offspring outside the womb and many were denied by circumstances the precious knowledge to develop their offspring to their full potential for the Earth………………………………….
Our Mothers, regardless of how we were treated by her as her life creation or what they did or did not do to prepare us to fulfill the potential of our life with Earth.
They still accomplished Earth’s most valued and fundamental Achievement. They continued the life expression of itself by making you.

“Put Gratitude in Our Attitude”

Our Mothers as females, withstood the Perils of Man, giving us a chance to have Life with Earth……………………..
We must remember and embrace this Powerful truth that has been ignored
If you are alive today and are in good Health, have a strong mind, have 10 fingers and 10 working toes, put some gratitude in your attitude. Call, hug your Mother today and say to her ‘Thank you for the strong healthy body for Life with Earth you shared with me”. And remember if your mother has no other accomplishments you can say she did well. You can always look in the mirror and claim one accomplishment she did well was creating You………….
Everyday is Mother Day!!!! Halleluiah.

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RaDine America aka Wisdom Keeper-

RaDine is a Scholar an teacher for Indigenous Heritage, Principles and Culture. She currently is the Administrative director and teacher for The Institute for Indigenous America Studies and Internationally for the International Institute for Amerindian Heritage and Culture Studies in Belize CA. She is the author of many books, as well as an International representative for Indigenous peoples of America aka Negro Heritage with the Foundation for Indigenous America of Anasazi Heritage F.I.A.A.H. copyright /copy claim- 5/15/2014- American Heritage Trust, F.I.A.A.H admin@fiaah.org